This is another episode of the series College Life. This is My College Life Experience – Episode 6 – Part 2. Enjoy Reading!
Now going a bit fast forward, the IIT Kanpur event was over. If you want to read about that event, Click Here. So now it was all about the Hackathon. We were successful in convincing the authorities that this event should be conducted. And we were informed by the Authorities that “this event will be conducted and managed them”. We were kind of happy, that we can rest for a few days now, as the IIT Kanpur event had taken a big toll on our body.
To note: we were wrong to think so, wait for the turning point.
Attending Classes 😬
Two days passed by and we were attending classes, like normally, we didn’t get chances to attend full classes. Now we were busy in making teams for the Hackathon. We were also gonna participate. In my team, there were two girls and four boys.
I would like to thanks my junior as he introduced me to the girls. We were glad that they joined us. As most of the girls in our college were not at all interested in Technology. They were just doing engineering for namesake🤷🏻♂️.
Anyway, we did our first group meetup during lunch hours. As we cannot miss classes in our college, it’s very strict in that field. The members of the committee were given some slack. As it was not possible to do all the work regarding the events after college hours. All of us met near a pond(it’s in our college, more like a lover’s point after college hours is over). Ankit was the Team Lead. He explained to all of us the project we were going to work on. And lastly, he & I assigned each one of them their tasks and the meeting was over. Btw Munshi was also participating. He was also having his group meeting a few feets away from us😂(it was kind of amusing for me).

BTW DKM Sir is the Vice-Principal for those who don’t know
We decided to have a conference call late at night to discuss further points, regarding the project. I was too tired, so we decided to drop the meeting that day. We still had time in our hands for the Hackathon.
To be continued…
To read part – 3
very good post