It takes time to heal wounds. But in the end, it’s going to heal anyway. Same things happen in our college life as well. We fight with people; people we trust, we work with, we share our secrets. But you know what, at the end of the day it’s going to work out. you can’t be angry with someone for a long time. Cuz, inside you there’s a part that wants to make everything right again. The same thing happened to me during our internal exam. Let’s give you some essence of the backstories. Oh, if you have not noticed yet I am the other guy. And here we go with episode 5 of college life.

BTW I have decided to change my code name. It’s going to be NefariousPie. The reason is simple, Ethereal was not a good name. And “Nefarious” means Evil and Pie means “It’s a fucking pie (just google it)”. I was inspired by the word “Senpai”.
Quick Notice
I am thinking about posting a series of top 10 in sev7en. Means it will contain top 10 Movies, Anime, Books or even Courses to do, Websites to visit etc. If you’re interested, please let me know in the comments. Looking forward to see your responses.

OK, let’s get back to college life. So, it was before our college internal. And people like us don’t really study unless your exams are near. I was having a really hard time studying. Because every word I was reading was new to me. And as I’ve bunked a lot of classes I was not really sure about the syllabus as well. At the same time, all of us (talking about the team sev7en) was having a really hard time to maintain the balance between work and studies.
Agree to Disagree
I snapped and said: “I am not going to work on Sv7en for 1 week.” That started a small disagreement. Because One week is a long time. And just leaving works undone for one week will affect the growth of the website.
It’s not that That was the first time we had a disagreement. We were having small problems for a month actually. These small disagreements converted into an angry dispute. 2 days were left before the exam. And I decided not to talk about “this” with anyone from the team sev7en. I was silent and ignored most of my comrades Because “Yeah! I was fucking Pissed”. But I am not the only one who was pissed. Everyone else was pissed at each other too. These three exam days were passed. And I didn’t even try to patch things up with the “Bois”.

End of the road (?)
I was constantly ignoring them. And the “Big Decision” was made. I was fired from the team.
“Haaah…..! Really!” I couldn’t even believe that for a moment. It was like an avalanche for me. Yeah! everyone fights. And after every disagreement. we come to a common ground to Decide. But this decision was a lunker.

I was sad. No, I was Depressed. But I had no intention for Shedding tears over this. I decided to make a website on my own. I called a friend who was been in the blogging field for a long time. And also, asked a childhood friend to join us after the “Graduation”. I was ready to start a new project. But, I guess God was not. I’m saying this because from the next day Quarantine Started!!
Lock Down Rhapsody
We did not have enough time to discuss the website. We were busy supporting our family. The website’s idea was on a pause. Meanwhile, Sev7en started gaining popularity among our college students. I was quite happy about the progress. But, in the meantime, I was feeling quite low because I was not there. I could not even share the links on my Facebook or WhatsApp account.

One week passed. I started realizing it’s not the website I miss. It’s the team sev7en. I tried not to think about sev7en. But as like all of you I was in quarantine too. I had nearly 16-18 hours a day to just think about stuff. So, sev7en never left my brain. In the evening I was watching anime and chatting with a friend in WhatsApp (Sherlock, I’m talking about you). Our Good-old-writer texted. “Kaysa hai, Bhai?”. (if you don’t know Hindi it Means, how are you? Bro).
Honestly, a part of me was saying ignore it. But, I’m not a “Dil pe patthar rakh ke, muh pe make up karliya” kind of person. I replied. And, we had a conversation like two civilized, grown-up people do. We both admitted our guilt. And other “Blah Blah”s, that probably You don’t care about.
Begin Again

Anyway, I am back in sev7en now. So, there’s one “Gyan” I should share with you. Every one of you may have to face this kind of phase somewhere, somehow. But never hold back. Don’t be afraid to take the next step. No matter what you do you’re going to regret some part of it anyway. So, better do something and then regret some part of it. Or just regret it all for doing Nothing.
BTW, I have another announcement to make. The Students’ Chapter of CSE is going to Publish a Web Magazine “INGENIUM”. For details Check out the Facebook page CSE students’ Chapter of IEI. People having difficulty in writing blogs can take help from “sev7en”. I’ve mentioned some other blogs as well. Looking Forward to see your creativity. Peace Out!!
Good Post!