Making a company

I had a vision, a dream, a goal, since I was a kid, don’t know how or why, I wanted to make my own company.

Now this may sound a bit dramatic or cliche but this is what I wanted to do since I was a kid. On top of that most of the folks in my family were engineers so I was pretty clear which career I wanted to choose and what kind of company did I wanna build.

I was always fascinated with the world of computers. I first got introduced to a computer when my uncle bought one to complete his Masters. I used to paint, play Solitaire, pc games like Wolfenstine : Return to Castle, Max Payne and many others which I don’t remember at this point of time. Point being, I loved computers. Even my favourite subject was computer in school.

I’ve been trying to build a company since I was in the 1st year of my college, but due to some issues I’ve failed multiple times. Currently it’s been almost 7 years since I first started trying and thought of sharing my journey with all of you, what I’ve been through and what are the challenges I’m still facing while I trying to build it again. Until the next one folks.

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